Kaufman High School Athletics

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Booster Club Information

Kaufman High School not only has a long history of success on the field but also in developing young men and women into hard-working people of integrity. The purpose of the Kaufman Lions Athletic Booster Club is to protect that tradition by creating an environment that adds value to the overall experience of being a Kaufman Lion. It is achieved by promoting school spirit, by raising funds that assist all athletic teams and by encouraging our coaches and athletes as they strive to reach their goals. Without the generous support of our families and friends and the time commitment of our volunteers willing to serve, none of this would be possible.

Please support our athletes by becoming a member of the Kaufman Lions Athletic Booster Club. This organization supports ALL the athletic teams of Kaufman ISD. With your participation, we will better be able to support your athlete's chosen sport. Many things are being planned for the upcoming school year. We need volunteers and new members to help continue to make this a successful program and to make this year even better than last year! We want your ideas and input so that we may better support your athlete's sport.

Additional Resources and Information:

  • If you would like to learn more information about becoming a member, click here.
  • If you would like to post a student ad in the upcoming homecoming program, please click here for the form.

The Kaufman Lions Athletic Booster Club officers, who serve voluntarily, for 2024-2025 are:


President: Charles Garner
Vice President: Lyle Penny
Secretary: Julie Wells
Treasurer: Jeff Webb
Communications: Mikey Wilson


For your student athlete to be eligible to apply for one of the KLAB Club's scholarships, a parent or legal guardian of the student must be a member of the KLAB Club by January 15 of the current school year.